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We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchases. Please let us know if you are not entirely satisfied with our products or our service, so that we can rectify the situation.
We are only able to accept items for refund which are faulty or damaged or not fit for purpose and have not been used. If this is the case, we will offer a full refund or replacement product at our cost but you will have to return the product to us at your cost before a replacement can be sent, in order for us to be given a chance to inspect the goods . Please note that any pigmented product /stain or any product specifically made to the bespoke requirement of the customer, unfortunately cannot be refunded or taken back, as it is unlikely that the product in question will be able to be resold to another party.
If the product is damaged in any way or has become broken in transit, please call our customer services team on the Symphony Coatings branch details at the top of your invoice.
Nothing in this Returns Policy affects your statutory rights or your rights under any contract you may have with us.